violetinstincts wrote in beautybeastfans Feb 23, 2013 19:04
creation: icons, season: 1, topic: create and vote, artist: naive_astronaut, topic: poll
naive_astronaut wrote in beautybeastfans Feb 20, 2013 22:28
character: vincent keller, character: catherine chandler, character: alex, creation: icons, character: evan marks, artist: naive_astronaut, pair: catherine/vincent
violetinstincts wrote in beautybeastfans Feb 02, 2013 02:11
artist: violetinstincts, artist: redstar05, actor: jay ryan (aka vincent), actor: kristin kreuk (aka cat), artist: msvalerieanne, season: 1, topic: create and vote, artist: stanford_rawn, artists: ensemble, artist: cassandra09, artist: naive_astronaut, topic: poll, artist: oklahoma22
violetinstincts wrote in beautybeastfans Jan 21, 2013 16:36
actor: jay ryan (aka vincent), actor: kristin kreuk (aka cat), topic: cast, season: 1, topic: create and vote, topic: awards, creation: altpics (non-banner shape), artist: naive_astronaut, topic: poll
violetinstincts wrote in beautybeastfans Jan 21, 2013 16:01
artist: violetinstincts, artist: redstar05, artist: msvalerieanne, season: 1, topic: create and vote, artist: stanford_rawn, artists: ensemble, artist: cassandra09, artist: naive_astronaut, topic: poll, artist: oklahoma22
naive_astronaut wrote in beautybeastfans Jan 20, 2013 11:33
character: vincent keller, character: catherine chandler, creation: icons, artist: naive_astronaut, character: tess vargas